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What kind of woman are you? A study sponsored by Tampax Pearl company

(NAPS) - A recent study entitled “The Feminine Factors,” conducted by the Institute for Research on Women and Gender at the University of Michigan and commissioned by Tampax Pearl, found that many women today comfortably combine feminine style with typically masculine traits such as confidence and assertiveness. The study identified four distinct types of women. Following are descriptions of each group to help you tell which type of women best describes you: Traditional Self-Assured wom-en see themselves as feminine, gentle and stylish. They have traditional beliefs about men and women’s roles at home and in the workplace. However, what’s really interesting about this group is that they rate high in “masculine” personality traits, including confidence, assertiveness and making decisions easily. (Think: Charlotte York on Sex and the City). Stylish Self-Assured women are the epitome of feminine style, but they don’t consider themselves especially feminine in terms of their personality traits, such as confidence, assertiveness and making decisions easily. In fact, ever since they were girls, they have seen very little conflict between femininity and equal rights. (Think: Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City). The Sincerely Sensitive group believed as young girls that equality between men and women was possible, but those beliefs have changed as they’ve gotten older. They now believe that men and women should play separate roles at home and in the workplace. They are extremely gentle people and are sensitive to the needs of others. Wearing makeup and being considered stylish are not especially important to them. (Think Ruth Fisher on Six Feet Under). The Progressive Non-Traditional group rejects traditional beliefs like “men belong at work and women belong at home.” They are about girl power and equality! They consider themselves “feminists,” though sometimes they might wish they were more assertive. They certainly know what they feel strongly about, but they prefer keeping these thoughts to themselves instead of sharing them with others. (Think: Clarise Starling in The Silence of the Lambs). More information on each type of woman can be found on Tampax Pearl, a newly introduced tampon said to combine superior comfort, style and protection, is available at major drugstores, grocery stores and mass retail locations nationwide. For more information, visit