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‘Tis the season to file taxes, April 15

It’s tax season again and there has never been an easier time to file your taxes.

These days, you can use the new telephone tax service, Telefile, or even go online and use the IRS Web site, to file for free. There are benefits to this service, such as faster refunds, the fact that it’s free and you don’t have to mess with envelopes or stamps.

These options, of course, may only appeal to those of you who are considering filing your own taxes.

For those of you who are going to take your forms to an accountant or tax service, this information may not be useful. So, The Pacer got information on the cost of filing from the accountants in the area.

For the main 1040 form that most students file, the price range varied, they are as follows:

• H & R Block, Martin: $37 • David Hart, Martin: Varies – Case by case • Keith Kemp, Dresden: $40-50 • Warren Nanney, Martin: Varies – Case by case • John Reese, Martin: $60 minimum • Dunn, Creswell, Sparks, Smith, Horne & Downing: $70

As you can see, the accountant’s fee varies from business to business, so make some calls before visiting one to see where you can get the best deal.

Remember to always take all of your W2 forms with you, as well as any supplemental information you might have concerning school loans and deductible expenses.

If you are a traditional student with no deductions it may be better if you file your own taxes.

If you are not expecting to get much money back, why pay someone to do what you are capable of doing for free?

The instructions have gotten easier to understand and you can get help if you need it.

You might as well try it on your own.

To get started, get all of your W2 forms together and get an instruction booklet and the correct tax form.

These items are found on campus in the library.

Then, read through the instructions and begin. If you need help with unresolved tax issues, first contact the IRS.

If you cannot get a straight answer or need more information than they gave you, then contact your taxpayer advocate as is instructed in the instruction booklet. You should be prepared to provide them your name, address, phone number, social security number, the type of tax return and a description of the problem. Get your tax forms in April 15.