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Thanks for responses; send more good stuff

There are a lot of responses this week for opinions. I am very happy.

I get a kick out of reading the discussion boards on the Web site because, in most cases, it’s people who don’t have the guts to put their real names and e-mail addresses when telling me what a horrible job I am doing.

Bravo guys. You are the reason I’m still here.

In this business (I’m speaking as a communications major and a somewhat public figure), you must be ready for whatever.

All those who are thinking of running for office should join the staff – by the time your tenure in through, you’ll be so thick-skinned no one could touch you.

Does this mean I am offended by people telling me I do a bad job? Not really.

I have more important things in my life to worry about (namely school) to feel upset or bad that someone didn’t like what I wrote. I am under no false pretenses that the world loves me. I was not made Opinions Editor to bow down to the majority.

That’s why it’s called “Opinions”. I’ve noticed that no one ever talks of any other piece I do except for the ones I write for my own section.

Is it easier because my other pieces are some of the best I’ve ever written or because you think I’m going to change my opinion based on some mean comments you say? Well I guess you’re just going to have to think again.

Why do you think I’ve got this job? I didn’t see many of you applying for staff positions last year. How many of you can tell me the pressures of juggling school, other work, etc. with a weekly paper?

Most of you can’t.

So stop whining that you don’t like this particular section or the opinions expressed in it. The Pacer doesn’t always print just the good stuff concerning us or just what we like. We do print what you give us, provided it has a name on it.

So be brave enough to come up to me and tell me why you don’t like something in this section. I am a very good listener and I have already had several frank discussions with people.

I’m not a scary person – I am very approachable. I don't have horns or pointy teeth no matter what others might say.

Don’t hide behind some secret pen name and fake e-mail address and expect to get my respect and undivided attention.

The only thanks you’ll get from me is my undivided laughter.

Instead, go for the glory of seeing your name in print. It’s your space.

That’s what we’re here for. That’s what we do.