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Students lack maturity here

This article is directed to the extraordinarily immature people on this campus who have yet to realize that they are adults and are generally expected to act accordingly.

Mainly this complaint is for the idiots that insist on thinking that pulling the fire alarm in the wee hours of the morning is actually funny! It’s not funny, it’s pathetic! I would think that by the time these people got to college they would have grown out of this sort of petty dim-witted behavior.

First of all, pulling a fire alarm when there is no fire is a criminal offense. Secondly, it’s just plain infuriating. I have yet to meet a single person that actually thinks it’s funny when the extremely loud, annoying alarm goes off at 3:00 a.m. and we are all forced to go stand outside in the cold while the nice cops go and figure out that, yet again, there is no fire.

All I hear from the sleepy people sulking outside are violent threats against whoever pulled the stupid alarm, again. To these perpetrators I'd like to say, GROW UP!!

It’s time you realize that you are in college. We are here for an education. Regardless of your behavior, you are an adult and its time you act like it.

If you want to cause havoc, do it somewhere else; like maybe at the local Jr. High, the rest of us aren’t interested in your childish attempts at humor.

Rachel Toy is a sophomore psychology major from Lyles.