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Students gather for ‘See You at the Pole’

UTM students, faculty members, staff and Christian organizational groups rallied around the flagpole in front of the Administration building for this year's annual See You at the Pole. This event took place Wednesday morning at 7 a.m.

Schools all over the world participated in this international event. Students from kindergarten through college rallied around their school's flagpoles in prayer; prayer for their schools, their countries, their leaders, their families and any issue they felt inclined to pray about.

This year's theme for SYATP is found in the book of Isaiah 41:62: “Oh that you would burst from the heavens and come down! How the mountains would QUAKE in your presence!…your coming would make the nations tremble”.

SYATP was dually sponsored by The Baptist Collegiate Ministry and The Interfaith Center.

John Nelson, President of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry said, "What an encouragement it is to see our faculty and students come together in prayer in the name of our savior Jesus Christ."

Many students said that they were amazed at how even their professors got out of bed Wednesday morning to join them at the pole.

The gathering lasted for about an hour, but many people came later on in the day to pray.

See You at the Pole will happen again next year in September.

If you are interested in joining in on the events next time, you can find out more information from the BCM or Interfaith Center.

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Cathy Bennett

Students and faculty gather at the flag pole in front of the Admin-istration Building Wednesday morning for the ‘See you at the Pole’ service.