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Students embark on North Carolina ski trip, receive two hours university credit

Students from UTM and their adviser Linda Ramsey, a professor of health and human performance, took to the mountains of North Carolina for an opportunity to learn how to ski and receive two hours of university credit.

For five days, 17 students of UTM and Ramsey were in the Appalachian Mountains. On the first two days the group was learning how to ski. “At first the students take lessons that prepare them to take skill and written tests,” Ramsey said. “If they pass the tests, each student gets two hours of credit from UTM.”

The third day offered the students more of a challenge than the first two days did. Ramsey explained that during the training sessions on the first two days, the ski lessons were given on snow that had been through a “grooming process” that removes the ice. However, the third day the students were taken to the un-groomed snow of Beech Mountain.

The schedule of the day’s events were not reflective of being on a vacation. “The events and lessons would begin at 8:30 in the morning and go until four in the afternoon,” added Ramsey. “They were given a break for lunch, but several of them were enjoying themselves so much that they didn’t take the time to stop to eat.”

Learning about skiing wasn’t limited to the days of the trip. The students had several meetings prior to their departure. “I met with them every two weeks beginning around the middle of the semester. We discussed things such as getting in shape and dressing appropriately for the weather,” Ramsey said.

Amy Hedstrom, freshman Political Science major, was one of the students from UTM that attended the trip. “I highly recommend it for skiers of any level. I had a lot of fun,” said Hedstrom.

“Everyone was successful in learning and in their efforts,”Ramsey said. “These students were so much fun and great to travel with.” All of the students who attended from UTM passed the lessons with an A and received the two hours of university credit.

Ramsey said that the idea of planning a ski trip came to her after meeting an instructor from French Swiss Ski College while attending a convention in GA. “We had planned on taking this trip last year, but there was no snow in the mountains” Ramsey said.

Expenses for the trip totaled to an amount of $201. This amount included four days of lodging, three days of skiing, lessons, equipment and a textbook.

Candi Karas, freshman health and human performance major, said that she too had a memorable experience.

“We would love to have other people come along with us next year, because we are ready to go back. Whether you are doing it for fun, or just doing it for a getaway before the break, it's a blast!” Karas said.

Ramsey said that the trip was an unbelievable success. She plans on continuing this trip to the Appalachian Mountains.

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Courtesey Linda Ramsey

UTM students take advantage of a ski opportunity in the Appalachian mountains over the Christmas holidays. Students participating not only learned how to ski, but also received university credit.