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Students, cast your own vote

This is in response to the article by Ms. Castleman that was published last week. Ms. Castleman, I am very glad that you are proud of UTM and all of its students and everything, but if any of them are like me we don’t take kindly to people telling us what we can and cannot do as a citizen of this country.

When we turn 18 years old, we gain the right to vote in any election and on any issue where it could affect where we live. You mentioned that some of the students that will be voting for the “restaurant reform” will be graduating in December, and I give you that.

Yes, some of them are probably graduating and really shouldn't vote because this issue no longer affects them. But what about the rest of us who are going to be here for the next two years or more?

We have a right to have our views heard on a situation that could affect where we live. YES, WHERE WE LIVE!

You and most of the Martin community seem to blind to the fact that we live here too. We spend nine months out of the 12 in Martin working and living.

Also, what about those who stay here year around and attend summer school either living in the dorms or off campus? Are you saying they shouldn’t have a voice in this situation either? It was said this summer that UTM brings in about $67 million dollars in revenue for Weakley and Obion counties.

You also stated that “If the students want jobs and more activities to do on weekends, let us work together to get that done.”

Honestly, I don’t think that the students of UTM would have a problem working with the Martin community on jobs or something to do, but you and I both know that its not going to happen.

Think about how many times “restaurant reform” has been on the ballot. Every time it comes time to vote on it again, the people of Martin always say that we could work together. But once they get their way and the reform is voted down, it goes right back to the same thing.

I urge the students of UTM to vote the way you feel. It is your decision and no one can make it for you. You are going to have to do that for yourself. Don’t let the Martin Community or UTM students influence your vote.

After all you have to spend your nine months or more here, just like the rest of us.

Antonio Davis is a junior Finance major from Memphis.