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SGA: Meetings will be repeated

Plans were finalized for a campus-wide town hall event at Thursday night's meeting of the Student Government Association. The meeting, which will draw together students and student representatives from each of the five colleges, is scheduled for 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 12. No location has been set. Refreshments will be served.

The proposal for the event had originally included a provision for the drawing of gift certificates to be given to students in attendance, but a motion was passed striking that from said proposal.

Sen. Dusty Dean spoke out first against the drawing. "I think people who really have concerns should meet us halfway," he said, stating further that he felt such "incentives" detracted from the real work of the student government.

Sen. Liz Craig agreed, saying, "This isn't a party, where you get door prizes for showing up first. This is a student government."

Sen. Joey Pierce argued in favor of the drawing. Pierce said, "Buying two or three gift certificates won't break our bank."

Senators also suggested changing the event from "Town Hall Meeting" to something more indicative of a student government event. "Nobody understands SGA. I mean, I'm still wondering about SGA," Sen. Jacob Crouch remarked.

In new business, the Senate tabled Senate Bill 2 (the "Joey Pierce bill"), a constitutional amendment concerning the removal of stipends for the SGA chief justice and executive assistants.