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Secrets of a mental ward in ‘Session 9’

*** of 5

A psychological thriller, Session 9, takes a group of five men to an abandoned psychological ward deep in the heart of the woods.

The five men are part of a renovation group called in to remove asbestos from the abandoned building before a future project goes up.

The ward was closed down due to budget issues and also malpractice by the ward. Patients were either sent to homes for care or just sent out of the ward to live on the streets.

The group, led by Gordon (Peter Mullan), spends a week trying to complete the project. Each man of the group has a history of some sort buried deep inside them.

With the disappearance of one of the workers, the group begins to unravel the eerie mystery of the ward.

Listening to one of the session tapes of a patient, viewers are finally able to figure out the secret in the last tape of session nine.

The movie is somewhat similar to that of The Blair Witch Project. It seems to drag on for awhile and it’s easy to get confused on the actual plot of the movie.

A good movie to rent if you like stories about going into the woods to an abandoned psychological ward and realizing that there are secrets to literally die for. The ending is a surprise, but nonetheless, it is an okay movie to rent for a cheap scare.