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Rolling stops are illegal everywhere

I would like to respond to the article in last week’s Pacer, “Stop for pedestrians, change attitude from finger to a smile.”

I feel the same. People will run you over unless there is police nearby. Drivers yield instead of making a complete stop. They will just yield, which means their vehicle is still in motion and might hit someone one day.

People are supposed to make a complete stop just as if they were at a stop sign. When people are in the crosswalk area, they have the right of way until they reach the sidewalks.

It is worse at night, trying to go the Elam Center or the Field House. If you do not cross before a vehicle comes, then you will almost get hit. It is not just the student, but it is everyone that drives.

I am not trying to scorn the drivers that do stop. It is the drivers who do not stop that get me.

We should not have to stop walking at the crosswalk for a vehicle to pass. It should be vice-versa. Unless drivers become more aware of how important it is to stop, someone will get seriously hurt.

Drivers, wake up and pay more attention to what is going on in front of you.

Merissa Ligon is a sophomore Communications major from Clarksville, Tenn.