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Re-elect Larry Taylor

To the Editor:

One candidate for mayor of Martin has indicated that a huge financial burden has been created that will take decades to repay. He wants to take Martin “back to the days of the past.” I think it is important to know the facts and take a trip back through history.

When elected to his first of five consecutive terms, ten years ago, Mayor Larry Taylor inherited several problems that were passed on from previous administrations. Martin had major infrastructure problems that had been talked about but otherwise ignored since Tom Copeland served as mayor in 1982 - 84. In 1988 - 90, Bob Peeler talked about the same problems, as well as Carl Savage, 1990 - 92 in their respective administrations. When sworn in, Mayor Taylor was faced with the threat of daily fines of $1,000 because of sewerage literally emptying on the ground. In addition, century-old water lines in the downtown area were badly in need of being replaced and water towers needed constructed to increase the ready supply of water for the whole community. Mayor Taylor led the efforts to ensure city employees would no longer be political pawns as they were in the 70’s and 80’s.

Progress does cost money; but the lack of progress costs even more. Three years ago, the city board voted to replace the water lines that supplied water in the center of the city.

Without that improvement, it would have taken a miracle to contain the huge fire ignited by an arsonist a few days ago.

Without the additional two water tanks, the water pressure would not have been sufficient to aggressively fight the fire.

The construction to replace the lines and to add the towers costs over $2 million. This would have been much cheaper in the prior two decades when Fire Chief Buster Williams first started asking for these improvements.

Another problem consistent with the 70’s and 80’s was employee turmoil, especially in the police department. But, unlike in those years of the past, the city has not been embarrassed by the politics of patronage. The 90’s have been peaceful and the energy has instead been turned toward making the fire and police departments the most professional in Tennessee. When the two departments were combined three years ago and an emergency response plan implemented along with an emergency warning system installed, the safety and security of every resident was greatly enhanced. This move, initiated by Mayor Taylor, saved money!

All cities have debt. However, Martin is in good enough financial shape to warrant an A2 bond rating, one of the highest for a city of our size. Experts agree, Martin is financially sound. So people that distort the truth and want to go back to the turmoil and lack of responsibility of the prior two decades could not sincerely care about the condition of the city.

The past ten years have produced sustained growth, progressive improvements, financial soundness, peace and safety. You really can’t find a substitution for experience.

That is why it is so important to join with me, and re-elect Mayor Larry Taylor. He has earned the opportunity to continue serving this city as Mayor.

Renee Phelps is the former Managing Editor of the Weakley County Press.