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Pursue the studies of your choice with the BUS degree

The two-year old Bachelor of University Studies degree in conjunction with UT New College here at UTM can be helpful for individuals wanting to obtain a college degree while working a full-time job as well as traditional college students.

The Bachelor of University Studies, or B.U.S. for short, is designed for people who wish to earn a college degree in an area of study that is not offered as a major here at UTM. It is a four-year degree which students can design using courses offered in the University catalog and meeting with an adviser familiar with the area of study they choose. This type of degree is very specialized and works well with students who have very specific career goals.

Individuals working toward the B.U.S. often do so with the aid of an online program named UT New College. The program is designed for people who cannot attend class on campus, but have access to the Internet. Admissions, registration, fee payment, financial aid, library services, advising, and a variety of courses are all offered online through UT New College.

“We are marketing the B.U.S. program with the online courses to target non-traditional students,” said Dr. Tommy Cates of Online and University Studies. “We have also merged UT New College with the B.U.S. degree so it’s all one thing now, but that doesn't mean that traditional college students cannot pursue the degree. It is offered to everyone.”

A Bachelor of University Studies has the traditional general education, or “core,” course requirements, like English 111 and 112 for example, that all students must take to obtain a degree. The student decides if the degree will be a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts and follows the format set by the University.

Thirty-six hours of upper division credit, or 300-400 level courses, are needed for the degree. The student chooses which courses would be best suited to his or her area of specialization. Individuals who have experience in college level work outside of the University may also obtain up to 30 hours credit for their work experience by submitting a portfolio. A minimum of 130 credit hours is required for graduation with the B.U.S.

“This could be the best or worst degree depending on how it is designed,” said Cates. “Students and faculty who do a lot of research into the area of study they wish to pursue often design the best degree to fit the job.”

Students interested in the B.U.S. degree should contact Dr. Cates at 7589 for more information.