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Proud to be a Skyhawk

What has happened to the sports world lately? As a fan, I’m worried about the direction that sports are heading.

It seems that every where you turn, from ESPN to The Pacer, there seems to be more and more negative stories. Violence against fans, steroids and rape have been among the top headlines. There was even a case of a hockey player hiring a hit-man to kill his agent.

I guess the $10 millon contract wasn’t enough. I guess hitting 50 homeruns wasn’t enough. I guess going home to your beautiful wife after games just wasn’t enough. But as sports fans, where do we draw the line and say enough is enough?

Now, when watching games live or on television, we have to question things we never had to question before. Is this the game where I get attacked by a player? I wonder how many anabolic steroids he had to inject to get his arms that big. Has for love of the game become for love of the money, for good?

I’m not saying that the fans are completely innocent, because we all know of the riots that can happen at or after a game.

Just look at the incident that took place during the Cleveland Browns game in 2001 or in any given city after a big championship loss or win.

Police cars are overturned, people are killed and cities are trashed either in celebration or protest. Sometimes it’s hard to tell.

It begs the question, who is taking ques from whom now? Are the players finally catching up to the fans? Or, are the fans emulating the athletes now, with their actions becoming more and more disturbing everyday?

There’s no way to really tell what is going on these days. All we can do is hope that the sports go back to normal, where the only hitting is on the field.