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Mass e-mail called ‘glitch’

Students have two procedures they may follow if they were recipients of a mass posting of UC Director Steve Vantrease’s Feb. 4 Blood Drive e-mail.

Initially, students were told by the Computer Center Help Desk to block Vantrease’s e-mail address. The Computer Center now suggests running a program called “bumpbull.” Students must be able to telnet or ssh into their mars accounts and, at the command prompt, must type the following command exactly: /usr/local/bin/bull/ and then press enter.

The e-mail “glitch” apparently occurs when the student mail system becomes too busy or overloaded, said Bruce Harrison, an employee of Computer Services. At least 50 students were affected by the mass posting, and the number of postings ranged from five to 206 per person.

“I in no way intended to spam-up everyone’s mail,” Vantrease said. “This is very annoying to those affected. I am sure I have not heard from everyone having this problem. There still may be many folks sitting at home and fuming about this mess.”

For those who still have difficulty deleting the mass e-mails, contact the Help Desk at 7900.