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Learn more about math at the colloquium

The Department of Math-ematics and Statistics and the Mathematical Society has a lot to offer students that are interested in all fields of study. From Astronomy to the origin of zero, the monthly colloquium lectures presented by the department give you a look at how math is involved in everyday life. Last Thursday Professor Robert S. Smith gave a lecture entitled Boolean Algebra and Switching Circuits.
They discussed the basic properties of binary Boolean algebra and showed how it can be applied to switching circuits. Professor Smith is from Miami University in Ohio and president of Pi Mu Epsilon, a national honorary mathematics society for students. The next colloquium will be next semester, on Jan. 13, and the speaker will be UTM associate professor of Mathematics Dr. John Schommer. Like all the other upcoming lectures, this one will be at 3 p.m. in room 408 of the Humanities Building. The UTM Math Club, better known as the Mathematical Society, is comprised of six members and they are looking for you to join them.
President Karoline Pershell and the faculty advisor, Dr. John Schommer, are eager to get the club moving in the right direction.
The Mathematical Society attended the Joint Southeastern Regional meeting of the Mathematical Association of American and the American Mathematical Society at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia in the spring of 2002. “The Mathematical Society is open to everyone and we're looking for fresh ideas,” said Schommer. To see who the upcoming presenters are at the lectures, visit