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King’s ‘Dreamcatcher’ brings invasion to earth

Dreamcatcher R Castlerock dir. Lawrence Kasdan ** out of 5 stars

There are some dreams that you just don’t want to catch.

Such is true in the latest released Steven King movie, Dream Catcher. When four kids in a small town in Maine helped a strange child named Duttis (Donny Wahlberg) from getting beat-up and harassed by some older kids, they did not know that their heroic experience would later lead them to helping all of humanity.

Jonesy (Damian Lewis), Henry (Thomas Jane), Pete (Timothy Olyphant) and Beaver (Jason Lee) had not prevented an attack on a regular person. They just intended on helping the guy out, not becoming a life long friend. But the powers yielded to the group by Duttis strengthened their friendship beyond ordinary means.

As time passes, the five friends go their separate ways. Life was as normal as it could be. But, one winter their lives take a different turn as they gather at their winter cabin for an annual camping trip.

Rather than the happiness and fellowship they hoped for, there is a sense of gloom and desperation. Something was going terribly wrong.

They later found out that Duttis was also returning.

The movie takes on the typical eeriness and intensity of a Stephen King work when the group realizes that they are in an area that is under attack by a vicious and lethal alien group. The people and the animals in the area are quarantined by Colonel Curtis, played by Morgan Freeman, after everything in the area is undertaken by an alien power that appears in the form of a red rash.

Jonesy, Henry, Pete and Beaver are put to the test once again. With the help of Duttis, the group faces the challenge of saving humanity from being overtaken. They have to catch the bad dream, before the dream catches them.

If you are looking for a thriller movie full of emotion and suspense, then take a trip to the winter cabin with the four guys from Maine as they and Duttis battle the unthinkable and unpredictable.