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IFC confronts cartoon: Greek life more than parties, keg stands

This letter is the Interfraternal Council’s response to Pacer cartoonist Bobby Gallagher’s cartoon referring to Greek life and academics in particular (Jan. 30 issue).

Yes, we all have parties and some do drink, but there are other aspects to Greek life than leisure time.

We all are involved in community service, contribute substantial amounts of money and time to our philanthropies, all have study hours set up and most are mandatory (believe it or not they are dry) and all are involved heavily in campus intramurals and events.

Community service is a serious commitment of IFC. Let’s take this week for example. Kappa Alpha Order is sponsoring the Lifeline Blood Drive, Sigma Alpha Epsilon is sponsoring a steak dinner to support Alyssa Ray and all Greek organizations contributed to “Jail & Bail,” which also supports Alyssa.

During the year, the organizations support “Ag-In-The-Classroom,” St. Jude’s Children Hospital (through the annual Wheelbarrow Push and St. Jude Classic), Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics, Brian Brown Greenway (through Greek Pyramid and Pike Fights), Children’s Miracle Network (through Hot Boxers), among other projects.

Next are academics. Please part from the mental image of the stereotypical “frat boy,” you know, the stupid and drunk jock. This is a subject that we in IFC take very seriously.

All the organizations have study hours and impose fines if missed, and we do not do keg stands while studying.

I want to touch upon the campus involvement of IFC. Many positions around campus are filled by IFC students, including ambassadors, PEP Leaders, Scholars and SGA officials.

Also, IFC plays a huge part in the intramural program at UTM. Part of the success of the program is due to the involvement of fraternities and its actives.

Finally as a little side note, all of the Interfraternity Council chapters have members who do not consume alcoholic beverages and all these chapters have mandatory risk management policies.

Fraternities are not here in Martin for partying and drinking, they are here to promote a brotherhood amongst college men.

Mr. Gallagher, if you have not experienced Greek life, please do not judge it. If you want to draw a cartoon about fraternities, at least, go through IFC fall or spring recruitment.

Also, I would like to extend an invitation to Mr. Gallagher to the Greek Banquet at 6 p.m., Feb. 8. There you can witness true brotherhood and sisterhood of Greek life.

You will receive a true awakening, if you decide to attend. We will not bash you, verbally or physically, but we would like you to see Greek life up close and personal at no expense to you.

Anthony Beal is the public relations chair of the Interfraternal Council.