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Hypocrisy in full swing for Election 2002

As the election is coming down to the wire, tempers are flying, accusations are looming, and hypocrites are spouting off at the mouth. Now, some of you know exactly what I am talking, but for those of you who don’t, then allow me to explain.

The November 5 election for the City of Martin is more than just a chance to vote for governor, mayor, and senators, but also a chance to vote for liquor and the lottery. However, I have a problem with the liquor and lottery issue.

The problem is this; for those of you who think that these issues are wrong for the City of Martin, but don’t mind participating in them when you are away from Martin, you are the real problem.

Yes, that’s right, I am talking about the people who wouldn’t dare be caught dead buying or consuming these products in the city, if it was to pass, but don’t mind doing them when you are on vacation?

Now, for those of you who think I am singling out church goers, then so be it. If the shoe fits, then wear it.

There too many people today, especially in the church, who love to point fingers, but forget that when they are pointing out someone else’s faults they have three fingers pointing right back at them.

So, with that in mind, for those of you who do attend church regularly, but just can’t seem to turn down that Amaretto Sour at Logan’s Roadhouse on Friday night or play Powerball when it’s $250 million you better think twice.

Hypocrisy will land you somewhere warm, just as much as cheating, lying, and stealing will.

Tyler Elkins is a senior Political Science major from Brentwood.