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From Baghdad to Martin

The War on Terror hits home with UTM students

Americans cannot turn on the TV these days without someone telling them what America should do about Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction. Concern only grows, as we seem to approach what may be an inevitable war with Iraq.

Americans are all faced with many hard questions such as: “Is war really necessary? Are we rushing into this or are we not taking action fast enough? Should we act if we have to act alone? Should we wait until UN inspectors discover more solid evidence, or have they uncovered enough evidence already?”

The Pacer asked nineteen different students how well or poorly they thought President Bush was handling the situation with Iraq, and how they thought it should be resolved.

They were also asked if they believed we would have another war with Iraq, and if they thought war was our only option. The ultimate question asked was if they thought Iraq was really America's biggest concern right now. When asked how well or poorly President Bush is handling the situation in Iraq ten students said that he was doing a poor job, seven said that he was doing well, while two had no opinion.

Those who said he was doing poorly said it was because he seems “too eager”, and that he was “rushing into a war.” However, most of the reasons that people said he was doing well were because he was taking action.

After hearing why they thought the President is or is not doing well, the students were asked how they thought this conflict should be resolved.

Most of the answers seemed to point to either a war with Iraq or further use of UN inspectors while continuing to negotiate with Saddam Hussein about disarming.

“Is Iraq America's biggest concern right now?” Eight students answered yes, and eleven students answered no.

Some people said North Korea's nuclear program was a bigger concern then Iraq, and others thought that we should be more closely examining our own economy instead of preparing for war.

The students were then asked if they thought that Iraq and America would have another war, and if that was our only alternative.

Only four students said no, and fifteen said yes they believe we will have another war with Iraq. “Is war with Iraq is the only alternative?”

Fourteen students believed that it is, and four thought there are other possible alternatives while one did not have an answer.