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Former SGA leaders back Baker, Albritton

Election time is here again at UTM, but most students don’t seem to know or care much about the Student Government Association. Nevertheless, the fact remains that SGA makes decisions each year that impact everyone on campus in some way. Those elected will represent all students, so they should be articulate, sincere, diligent and informed. This is especially important for the Executive Council positions. As a former SGA President, I’ve had the honor of working with all of the candidates for President and Vice President. While each of them has his or her strengths, I strongly believe that Tracy Baker and Rachel Albritton are best suited for these jobs.

The most important lesson I learned through serving on SGA is that there’s so much more to UTM than any one individual and the groups with whom he associates. It’s easy for those elected to focus solely on their own opinions and experiences, but it takes a much bigger person to step beyond that. Tracy Baker and Rachel Albritton have shown they can consistently solicit feedback from a wide range of people. Their motives for serving are pure, and they are able to put personal feelings aside to look for the good of the campus as a whole. They have already formed excellent relationships with the UTM administration and faculty, a crucial factor in being able to enact change during their year in office.

With campaign propaganda flying, it can be difficult to determine which candidates are the real deal. Know that Tracy Baker and Rachel Albritton are enthusiastic, personable and capable individuals.

I am supporting them because I have every confidence that they will do an exceptional job leading the 2005-2006 Student Government Association.

Jennifer Ogg SGA President, 2003-04

Greetings UTM: This term, I shall graduate from UTM and begin a new chapter in my life. I have a deep love for this campus, and feel a duty to endorse for the offices of SGA President and Vice President the candidates that have not only a proven record of accomplishment and student service, but also a vision for the continued prosperity of the campus.

Thus, it is my great pleasure to formally endorse Tracy Baker for President and Rachel Albritton for Vice President. I have personally known these two young ladies for the past two years, and I can say without hesitation that they have the knowledge, ability and passion to effectively and unselfishly serve the students of UTM for the purpose that SGA exists: to preserve, protect and defend the needs, concerns and general welfare of the student body. I had the honor of serving as your Vice President and Chief Justice and know firsthand the challenges and rewards of being a leader through service and example. Tracy and Rachel are the most qualified candidates for these offices and will do everything in their power to lead UTM into a continued era of prosperity and service for all students. This is our campus; we must choose leaders that we can trust. These ladies have my full confidence.

On April 5 and 6, vote Tracy Baker for President and Rachel Albritton for Vice President.


Beau E. Pemberton SGA Vice President, 2003-04