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Flag burning and tree hugging? Not for me

Throughout time the American people have often disagreed with the ideas and principles of certain leaders of our country to the extent that they would protest that decision in public.

Often has been the case that the act of civil disobedience has been the most effective application of the disapproval of the party or individual.

However I do not agree, in any way, with the concept of ‘flag burning’ and cannot realize its constitutionality.

‘Flag burning’, in my mind, is not only disrespectful, but is plainly a sign of insurrection and treason against this country.

The United States of America was founded on several principles; one including the right to free speech, but that is taking it too far.

The flag is a symbol deserving of respect and pride, and is not to be subjected to the fury of vandals and ignorant “Jack Asses.”

Many people have died for this country; for the people who live there and for the creeds they live by.

Even some brave men have died trying to keep the American Flag from simply touching the ground.

Such people who find ‘flag burning’ acceptable are by no means worthy of living in this country.

These “citizens” have no place here and should be stripped of their status as citizens.

Is this the sign of a diminishing country where the pledge of allegiance has recently been banned from the classrooms at schools everywhere?

What I find horrendously pathetic are the people who are complaining and griping about our country, and actually believe that they are people of significant ideals.

Such men characteristically grow their hair out long and produce long shaggy beards as though in rebellion of the very image of Americans.

They write controversial essays and proclaim their righteous cause.

I am bitterly sickened by their pitiful mourning and cannot see exactly what they have to actually complain about.

Most come from middle class homes and have never tasted the harshness of poverty.

Nor have they even seen the horrid scenes of the world outside our country.

But sure enough they believe that they are oppressed and in often despair of their unfortunate mishaps.

I say, “screw you and get a freakin’ life” the world outside these borders is in some ways more chaotic and we should be forever grateful of the peace and serenity that we have been blessed.

I personally would relish the thought of such people living in actual countries that have real economic crises, and better, countries that kill the people that speak against their decisions.

And we will see if their cynical nature can be reversed.

What’s worse is that these people think that they are so smart that the Government is constantly surveying their every movement.

I must say that the people who actually believe that they are significant enough that the government would abandon all their more important affairs to come and silence their “NOBLE” movement against them.

The United States government is going to travel to little Podunk Martin, Tenn. to arrest some liberal extremist who has been roused of their tyranny and their ever-lasting goal for world domination and global destruction.

Or even better the American Government is going to kidnap their family and loved ones and, detain them for ransom against the “visionary’s” silence against their dreadful plans to destroy all goodness in our lives.

Finally they will be transported to a secret military installation where they will be executed for their crimes.

These people are utterly and completely clueless, despite whatever they say.

And while we’re at it let us not forget the anarchist’s.

This is an intriguing creature that wants to overthrow our government and start his or her own form of Government.

All I can say is you would have better luck reforming a nudist colony, they're more screwed up than you and may be able to perceive your retarded inhibitions towards greatness.

You say the government is out to get you, I say that government should get you!

What would the country be without these “backrow” individuals who are so “wise” that they can tell us what or what not to believe about the community we live, and the people who contributes.

They waste their talents bickering away of people who they find inferior to their supreme intellect.

I think they are immature crybabies wallowing in their own pity because nobody cares about what they think and who could ever find it interesting?

They hug the trees and refuse to let our commerce continue but I find their thoughts a terrible waste of paper.

And in my mind a supreme injustice to the trees of the world, why not start a televised community where other communists can come and share their thoughts as well.

In my mind you’re just little vultures circling around this town looking for anyone to pick on. “Rebels without a cause”. If you find this newspaper inadequate why in the hell do you read it?

Jacob Crouch is a freshman English major from Paris.