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Expressions of personal style, creative thinking

The world around us is expressed through many forms, but art work is a form of expression that is both visual and thought provoking.

Seniors Jordan Myers and Courtney Robertson proudly display pieces they’ve created during their college career at UTM.

In Myer’s artist statement, she states, “graphic design attempts to find a balance between audience considerations, text and imagery considerations and personal style.”

Myers creates this balance in her work through the use of appealing graphics and text in her pieces.

In her piece Untitled Photos 1-4, she uses black and white prints to draw viewers into the detail of each photo.

One of her images is a photo of two hands together. Without color, the details of the hands really stand out in the photo. Myers also designed the Dance Ensemble poster from last year with great usage of black and white.

The illustration of the dancer in the background is also interesting and visually appealing.

Art is also a form of communication and self expression for Robertson.

She states in her artist statement, “In such a delusive world, I want to express something higher, something honest, through my work. I hold fast to the One who gave me my salvation... Jesus Christ.”

Robertson’s pieces have various qualities that draws viewers into the work.

In her piece Come Out From Among Them (II Corinthians 6:17), Robertson uses mixed media to get a specific message across: come out from among them and be separate. According to the Bible, 1 Corinthians 6:17 states, “But he that [is] joined to the Lord is one Spirit.”

She uses various images and text from magazines and posters to create her piece. This writer believes that the graphics portray society’s image of the “perfect” person: the slim female, the muscular male and various other images and phrases used to describe a fake image to attain.

In the center of the piece is an image of a girl surrounded by the various influences of society.

In American Still Life, an acrylic piece, Robertson portrays an American heritage image. In the painting, there are sunflowers, empty bottles, an American flag as the backdrop and a picture frame with a picture of a little boy in it.

The piece has somewhat of a vintage feel to it with the colors she chose to use.

Robertson also includes various sculptures in her exhibit. An interesting piece is her Dragon’s Throne, which is constructed with steel.

The throne itself is a greyish color but the decorations around the back of the throne are simply interesting.

The protrusions from the chair form sort of a gothic look to the throne.

They are patterned similar to dragon scales with a good usage of green with gold interlaced through the design. The Myers/Robertson exhibit will be on display in the Fine Arts gallery until Nov. 14.