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Engineering banquet to honor top students

The Engineering Department is having its 40th annual commemorative Student Awards Banquet Feb. 23.

The banquet is a part of a National Engineering Week which is an annual event-planning of Feb. 20-26.

“It was originally developed by practicing engineers, and its activities are intended to make public more aware of the importance of engineering,” said Dr. Helgeson, Chair of Engineering Department.

Even though the history of engineering at UTM goes back to the 1930s, the actual four-year engineering technology degree program was developed and approved in the fall of 1969. The Bachelor of Science in Engineering Degree has received final approval by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission in July 1996, which resulted in the first graduates from the program in May 1997. Tuesday, Feb. 21, the department will host a design competition of high school students mainly from physics class. The department sends a letter with an invitation to local high schools.

“It’s a really good opportunity for students to be creative,” says Helgeson.

The activities in which students are involved include building models of bridges, which are then tested and the lightest one being able to withstand the heaviest weight wins. Recently, Laura Sterrett, engineering instructor, has introduced new activity involved with eggs dropping. In that fun experiment students design helmets for the eggs to test their efficiency by letting the helmeted eggs fall on the floor or crash into the wall while being driven in a mini-carriage. The winners of the competition are then presented with small cash prices and trophies.

Thursday evening of Feb. 23, Engineering Students Banquet completes the Engineering Week. The whole event includes the speaker and the Outstanding Student Awards. Those present at the banquet include current students, graduates, faculty, staff, and administration; high school students and teachers, and industrial advisory board of practicing engineers.

The banquet is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 23 at 6:30 p.m. Banquet ticket price is $15 and $8 for students. Reservations must be made no later than 5 p.m., Feb. 20.