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Editorial more of an insult than a rebuttal

Mr. Helgeson- You recently wrote an opinion stating your grievances over a satirical reference to your publication in the April 4th issue of The Pacer. Your response, however, seems more like an attack on the credibility of The Pacer and its staff members than a rebuttal.

I am a senior Communications major here at Martin, and I know most of these people who you claim are, "...cowards, unprofessional, and child-journalists." In actuality, these people are hard working, motivated, and model students. They may not be professionals yet, but believe me, this department doesn't turn out anything less.

You claim that nobody, other than the Pacer staff and those related to the Pacer, respects the Pacer, because you never hear anyone besides them praising it. Have you talked to all 6,000 students on campus, or are you just basing this on the few people who happen to share your opinion?

The bottom line is that you overreacted to a reference that was made in jest. There was no ill will or malcontent directed at you, your staff, or your publication. The next time you decide to write an opinion to the Pacer, please refrain from using baseless accusations and insults to get your message across. Good Day.