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CLEO sponsors program for those interested in law

CLEO (Counsel Legal Education Opportunity) is sponsoring the College Scholars 2003 Sophomore Summer Program to assist minority students interested in going to law school after graduation. The program is designed to help students enhance their critical reading, writing and analysis skills. Workshops and seminars will prepare students to write their personal statement, understand financial management and study for the LSAT (the admissions test for law school).

In order to qualify to participate in this program, students must have reached sophomore status (60 hours) by the end of this semester. Applicants need to have a grade point average of 3.00 or above and a strong desire to attend law school. Also, any interested student must be a minority.

The CLEO program has not defined the word minority. In the past students from four minority groups have been accepted. These include African-American, Hispanic, Native American and Pacific Islanders. However, if a student feels they fall into another minority group and want to participate in this program, they are encouraged to apply.

Students from low income status or otherwise disadvantaged backgrounds are also accepted in this program. The CLEO College Scholars 2003 Sophomore program will be held on the campus of Northern Illinois University in the College of Law. The program begins on June 8 and ends July 2.

Applications can be picked up in 115 Business Administration. For more information please contact Dr. Ted Mosch at

CLEO is a federally funded program designed to help minority students go to law school. CLEO has already assisted many UT Martin students with scholarships and other forms of support. According to Dr. Ted Mosch, Chancellor Dunagan is very supportive of this program and is willing to recommend UT Martin students to the president of Northern Illinois University for this event.