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Carrey, Winslet shine in 'Eternal Sunshine'

**** out of 5

The idea of erasing the memory of those we love is brought to ligh with humor and sincerity in the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet.

Joel Barish (Carrey) and Clementine Kruczynski (Winslet) are a couple on the rocks. Their relationship started out perfect, but it ended with the clashing of their two personlities.

In order to overcome her devestation at things Joel said to her, Clementine goes to Lacuna, Inc., a company offering what can be considered a miracle procedure: the removal of bad memories from the brain.

Joel recieves a letter advising him to never contact Clementine again or mention their relationship to her. When he finds out what she has done, he goes to have the same procedure done.

When he decides he no longer wants to have the procedure, he is unable to awaken from the dreamlike “sleep” that the procedure demands he be in.

Joel tries desperatly to save the memory of his darling Clementine by hiding her in the memories of his childhood.

No matter where they go, however, the procedure’s “spotlight” finds them and quickly runs them back into memories they have together.

Carrey gives an uncharacteristic performance as a shy and subdued man who finds true love in a girl, Winslet, who could be, and is, his complete opposite.

Elijah Wood stars as one of the assistants of Lacuna, Inc. who erases both the minds of Clementine and Joel.

His character later uses Clementine’s own erased memories to try and win her over.

Kirstin Dunst plays a medical assistant for Lacuna, Inc. in Dr. Howard Mierzwiak’s (Tom Wilkinson) office. Her character later finds out that her memories of herself and Dr. Mierzwiak are not exactly accurate.

The movie is an interesting mixture of laughter and heartbreak that portrays what can happen to a potentially great relationship when two people are able to just “erase” each other on an angry whim.

The message of this film speaks for itself: don’t let your emotions control you.

If you’re not a big Carrey fan, this movie will amaze you. If you love Carrey, then this movie will only do further justice to his impressive acting skills.

Carrey was able to really stretch his acting abilities by taking on a character that goes completely against the physical comedy he is known for.

He brought a depth to the character and movie that will allow you to appreciate the message of the film even more.