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Alumnus speaks on the parking situation

I am a long way from the campus of UT Martin. If you want to take actual mileage, I would have to say over three hundred and twenty.

This is the year I decided to go back to school. Not having much of a choice, I had to return to the UT system. Only this time – IT WAS UTK.

I remember my first day here, and I thought back and remembered my first day at Martin.

Big difference!

About twenty minutes if you took the bus across campus. (Even longer if you decide to hike across campus) Bus? What bus? There is not one at Martin.

‘Good grief’, states Charlie Brown. It is an eight minute walk to anywhere on campus at Martin.

As far as the little parking tickets you might get at Martin – forget it.

One, they oversell every parking space at Knoxville. You are very lucky if you find one.

Two, the space you paid for is about $160.

Three, if you don’t find a correct lot, then you get about a fifty dollar ticket.

How much are the tickets at Martin now, ten/twleve dollars? Now, when have you ever seen all the parking spots at Martin filled?

So, for every student out there at Martin that wakes up and asks why you chose Martin – please think of these reasons!

Jill Marie Wilson is a UTM Alunnus.